Summarization: Structure and Mutlilinguality

Summarization: Structure and Mutlilinguality

Structured Summarization

High-Level Approach: We propose a structure-aware end-to-end model for summarization. Our proposed model augments the existing pointer-generator network with two novel components: (1) a latent-structure (LS) attention module that adapts structured representations for the summarization task, and (2) an explicit-structure (ES) attention module, that incorporates a coreference graph. The explicit attention module is linguistically-motivated, which aims to incorporate sentence-level structures from any externally annotated document structure. We incorporate a coreference based sentence dependency graph, which is then combined with the output of the latent structure attention module to produce a hybrid structure-aware sentence representation.

Hierarchical Model: We propose a hierarchical encoder-decoder model using Latent Structured-Attention (LS) to induce latent structure and Explicit Structured (ES) Attention to incorporate explicit linguistic structure, between sentences of a document, The encoder uses a BiLSTM to encode the words and produce contextual word representations. The word representations of all words in a sentence are pooled to produce sentence representations. The latent structured-attention mechanism is used to produce attention scores between all pairs of sentences. An attention score aij in-turn predicts the probability of a dependency edge i->j. These attention values are used to produce latent structure-aware sentence representation, where every sentence is a latent structure-attention weighted representation of its parent nodes and its child nodes. The explicit structure module uses a fixed coreference graph where sentences are linked if they have common co-referring mentions in them. The number of unique co-referring mentions is used as the attention score between two sentences and an explicit structure-aware sentence representation is produces as the explicit attention weighted sum. The new structure-aware sentence representations are concatenated with the word representation and provided to a standard pointer-generator decoder.

Final Model: We finally use the structure-aware encoder and augment it with the pointer generator decoder for summarization. To analyze the latent structures learned by the model, we additionally extract the best tree representing the document using the Chu-Liu-Edmonds algorithm.

Cross-lingual Summarization


Vidhisha Balachandran
PhD Student, CMU
Artidoro Pagnoni
MLT'21 -> PhD Student, UW
Sachin Kumar
PhD '23 @ CMU -> Postdoc @ AI2 -> Assistant Professor @ OSU
Rishabh Joshi
MLT '21 -> Google Research